A Neighbourhood Plan is a set of policies developed by the community giving greater control over where and how development takes place within the Neighbourhood Plan area. The policies include suitable sites for development, planning criteria, community assets, green spaces and a number of other factors designed to preserve the character of the Parish.

Parishes with a ‘made’ neighbourhood plan (one that has been agreed by referendum) will receive additional funding from developers via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL). Communities with a made NP receive 25% of the CiL whilst those without receive 15%. These monies must be used on capital projects within the community.

The sites allocated have been identified as most suitable for development; however, this is not planning permission. The Planning application process remains unchanged and the Parish Council is a consultee with Horsham District Council as the decision makers.

Any potential application for a development that is not within the remit of the Neighbourhood plan is very unlikely to be approved.

If there is no Neighbourhood Plan, the Local Plan produced by Horsham District Council will take precedence.

The Upper Beeding Neighbourhood Plan was produced and passed examination in 2020, there was a referendum held on 6th May 2021 and the plan is now ‘made’.

Neighbourhood Plan Documents

Please follow the link below for the Neighbourhood Plan. This is the final version that was agreed by referendum.

Upper Beeding Neighbourhood Plan

Below are links to documents supporting the Neighbourhood Plan and referendum process.

Upper Beeding Referendum Information Statement

Upper Beeding Decision Statement 30 Jan 2020

Policy Maps

Regulation 16 Consultation Response Summary

Regulation 16 Consultation Re-run Response Summary

Aecom Housing Needs Assessment

Decision Statement

Examiners Report